Working visit of Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot Hovakimian to Argentina

30 October, 2018

Deputy Foreign Minister Ashot Hovakimian was in Buenos Aires from October 28 to October 30 to participate in the 3rd round of political consultations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina.

On October 28, Ashot Hovakimian visited the Armenian Apostolic Church of Saint Gregory the Illuminator, where he met with representatives of the Armenian community organizations.

The political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Argentina, which began on October 29, were led by Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Ashot Hovakimian and Argentine Foreign Affairs Secretary Daniel Raimondi.

During the consultations, the sides commended the high level of political dialogue between Armenia and Argentina, stressed the important role of the Armenian community in Argentina in strengthening the relationship between the two countries, discussed the current state of the legal framework and the possibilities for its expansion, and touched upon prospects for deepening and intensification of cooperation in the trade and economic, cultural and educational spheres.

The sides expressed satisfaction with the high level of collaboration in international organizations and exchanged views on the latest developments in the South Caucasus and Latin America as well as on international political issues of mutual interest.

Ashot Hovakimian briefed on the process of democratization and internal political developments in Armenia, and outlined the country’s foreign policy priorities.

The Deputy Foreign Minister presented in details to his Argentine colleague the current state of the process of peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Argentinian side reiterated its support to the exclusively peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the format of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmanship.

The same day, the delegation headed by Ashot Hovakimian was received by the Provisional President of the Argentine Senate Federico Pinedo. During the meeting, the sides highlighted the importance of invigorating and expanding the cooperation between the two countries, and developing inter-parliamentary ties.

The Armenian delegation also met with the Chair of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs Julio Cobos and the Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies Cornelia Schmidt-Liermann, as well as the Chairs of the Armenian friendship group of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies Waldo Wolff and Miriam Boyadjian.

That same day, at the Armenian Apostolic Church of Saint Gregory the Illuminator, Ashot Hovakimian took part in a meeting with the representatives of the Armenian community and the Secretary for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, Deputy Justice Minister Claudio Avruj. Hovakimian later visited the Argentine-Armenian Chamber of Commerce.

Hovakimian also gave a lecture at the University of Buenos Aires Law School on the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Argentina and the main priorities of Armenian foreign policy.



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