Farewell meeting with Speaker of Riksdag

20 December, 2018

Upon completion of his mission, Ambassador of Armenia to Sweden, Artak Apitonian paid a farewell visit to Speaker of Riksdag, Andreas Norlén․

Noting with satisfaction the upward progress in the Armenian-Swedish relations, Ambassador Apitonian and Speaker Norlén outlined the interparliamentary cooperation where considerable advancement has been registered in mutual exchanges on levels of the parliament leadership and parliamentary commissions as well as in collaboration between the delegations to the inter-parliamentary assemblies.

Upon Speaker’s request, Ambassador Apitonian presented Armenia-EU cooperation agenda and prospects, active involvement of Armenia in the programs of the Eastern Partnership. Sharing the assessment of the importance of the Eastern Partnership, Speaker Norlen assured that there is a principled across-the-aisle support in the Swedish Parliament for the further development of the initiative.

Ambassador Apitonian asked Speaker Norlen to convey his gratitude to the Swedish Parliamentarians for their support and partnership eagerness over the recent years. discussed with great interest Armenia's involvement in the programs implemented within the framework of the Eastern Partnership as well as Armenia-EU cooperation prospects. From his side, Speaker Norlen extended his appreciation to Ambassador Apitonian for his involvement in the development of Swedish-Armenian interparliamentary cooperation and wished him success in his future activities.


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