A side event was held at the UN headquarters

05 March, 2019

On March 5, the Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations, in the framework of the Chairmanship of Armenia in the Eurasian Economic Union, hosted a side-event entitled “Implementing Digital Agenda: The Role of National Statistical Agencies” at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The event was organized on the margins of the 50th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission, being held in New York.

The panel discussion was chaired by the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the UN Mher Margaryan. The panelists included Ms. Tatyana Valovaya, Board Member and Minister in charge of integration and macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, officials from the Digital Government branch and the Statistics Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, as well as heads and deputy heads of National Statistical Services of EEU member states.

The Permanent Representative of Armenia in his remarks emphasized that Digital agenda is an important priority of Armenia’s chairmanship and engagement with the Eurasian Economic Union. He noted that the government of Armenia is committed to sustaining the positive dynamic of cooperation and integration within the Eurasian Economic Union, in line with the key priorities of Armenia’s chairmanship highlighted by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan earlier this year. Mher Margaryan mentioned that in the context of economic integration Armenia welcomes all efforts for leveraging existing and new partnerships, with other countries and regional structures intending to generate synergies by utilizing available best practices.

Presentations were made by President of the National Statistics Service of Armenia, Mr. Stepan Mnatsakanyan, Chairman of the National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyzstan Mr. Akylbek Sultanov, Deputy Head of the Federal State Statistical Service of the Russian Federation Mr. Sergei Egorenko, and First Deputy Chairperson of the National Statistical Committee of Belarus Ms. Irina Kangro, who reflected on the activities and challenges related to the Digital Agenda in their respective countries.


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