Consul General of Armenia in Los Angeles received the Chief of Staff of the AJC

05 March, 2019

On March 5, Consul General of Armenia in Los Angeles Armen Baibourtian received the Chief of Staff of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Los Angeles branch Dganit Abramoff and Assistant Director Siamak Kordestani.

Dganit Abramoff presented the structure, functions, and areas of activity of AJC, which is one of the leading and oldest Jewish advocacy organizations in the United States. Representatives of the Jewish Committee of America expressed readiness to cooperate with the Consulate General of Armenia in Los Angeles as well as enhance relations between the Armenian and Jewish communities in California.

Ambassador Baibourtian expressed his gratitude for the visit and readiness for cooperation. He mentioned historical similarities existing between the Armenian and Jewish peoples, current profound democratic transformation of Armenia and its governance system, briefly outlined Armenia's foreign policy approaches to the regional security, present phase of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution process, and touched upon the Armenian-Turkish relations. Ambassador Baibourtian attached importance to develop ties between the Armenian and Jewish communities in California and expressed willingness to support that process.


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