Meeting of Foreign Minister of Armenia and the Speaker of Ethiopian House of Peoples Representatives

03 April, 2019

On April 3, Foreign Minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, who is on official visit to Addis-Ababa, met with Tagesse Chafo, Speaker of Ethiopian House of Peoples Representatives.

Both sides underlined the firm historic bonds between two nations as a good foundation for the further development and deepening of bilateral relations. The Armenian Foreign Minister noted that Armenia is committed to give an additional impetus to the relations between the two friendly nations.

Zohrab Mnatsakanyan and Tagesse Chafo outlined the steps to be taken towards the widening of bilateral agenda by highlighting the necessity of intensifying contacts between the parliaments of the two nations including through the mutual visits on high level. Minister Mnatsakanyan underscored that the representatives elected by people are the best nexus in strengthening the friendship between the peoples.

The sides identified the high technology, science, education and socio-economic aspects as the main directions for cooperation.

Minister Mnatsakanyan presented the latest developments around the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process. In this context the two highlighted the necessity of creating an atmosphere conducive to peace for the advancement of the negotiation process.

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