Meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held in Moscow

05 April, 2019

On April 5, a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS Ministerial Council) was held in Moscow, with Armenian delegation headed by Mr. Shavarsh Kocharyan, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.

Current issues of interaction between the CIS foreign ministries have been discussed at the meeting, in particularly those related to the ​​strengthening of cooperation in countering growing threats and challenges to security and stability.

The participants of the meeting summed up the results of the implementation of multi-level Consultations Plan for 2018 between the foreign ministries within the CIS framework, as well as approved the Plan for 2019.

Draft Statement of the Heads of CIS Member-States on the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II was approved, confirming the adherence of the CIS countries to the principles and norms of international law, stressing the universal and intergovernmental nature of the United Nations Organization, established in 1945 at the end of WW2, and its special responsibility for maintaining peace and preventing new global conflicts. Draft Agreement on the Coordination of interstate relations in the field of fundamental research of CIS, as well as a number of other documents have also been approved.

The Council of Ministers has also discussed a document on establishment of a basic organization for training of specialists in the field of combating crimes committed with the use of information technologies.

The next meeting of the Ministerial Council will be held on October 10 in Ashgabat.

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