Discussion between the Government and civil society on the Draft Road Map for the Implementation of EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement was held in the Foreign Ministry

25 April, 2019

On April 25, a Government-civil society discussion on the Roadmap for the implementation of the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement was held in the Foreign Ministry. The issues discussed included the spheres of taxation, environment, climate change and rural development and consumer protection.

Avet Adonts, Deputy Foreign Minister, Irina Ghaplanyan, First Deputy Minister of Nature Protection, Arman Poghosyan, Deputy Minister of Finance, Vigen Kocharyan, Deputy Minister of Justice, Vakhtang Abrahamyan, Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank, Vardan Melkonyan, Chairman of the Water Committee of the MEINR, Georgi Avetisyan, Head of Food Safety Inspectorate and other officials as well as about four dozen civil society representatives participated in discussion.

The discussion covered the Chapter 2 of Title IV (Taxation), Chapter 3 of Title V (Environment), Chapter 4 (Climate Action) Chapter 10 (Agriculture and Rural Development) and Chapter 14 (Consumer Protection). Officials coordinating relevant sectors presented the taken steps aimed at the implementation of provisions. In their turn, the civil society representatives voiced their concerns and came up with a vision to address a number of issues.

At the end of the session, the participants reiterated their readiness to continue discussions in such format.

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