Foreign Minister of Armenia participated in the session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

22 May, 2019

On May 22, in Bishkek, Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan participated in the session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), during which issues on foreign policy coordination, addressing regional and international challenges and threats, and fight against terrorism were discussed.

Foreign Minister of Armenia Zohrab Mnatsakanyan congratulated everyone on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus. The Minister noted that preserving historical memory is one of the important tools aimed at developing allied relations within the CSTO, and the attempts to rewrite history, arbitrary interpretations of our heroic past, including the events during the WWII, are unacceptable for Armenia.

Touching upon the humanitarian situation in Syria, Minister Mnatsakanyan underscored that it is a very sensitive issue for the Armenian side and Armenia could not remain indifferent to deprivations and sufferings which the people of Syria, including the large Armenian community is going through. “We closely follow the developments in the Middle East as well as Turkey's involvement in those processes," stressed Minister Mnatsakanyan, by adding that absence of Turkey's relations with Armenia and its one sided position on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict pose a threat to Armenia and, consequently, for the Organisation as a whole.

With regards to the situation around Iran, the Foreign Minister of Armenia noted that stability around Iran is important for ensuring the security of Armenia in its complexity.

Minister Mnatsakanyan highlighted the importance of joint efforts in fighting against terrorism, illegal drug trafficking and other transnational crime, as well as in addressing other challenges.

Foreign Minister briefed his colleagues on the developments around the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, stressing the importance of implementing agreements reached towards creating an environment conducive to peace. With this regard Minister Mnatsakanyan expressed concern over the engagement of some CSTO member states in the arms trade with Azerbaijan, which negatively affects both the authority of the organization and the environment of cooperation. "We hope our concern is heard and relevant steps are being taken to eradicate any illusion of using force or threat of force against the CSTO member state."

As a result of the meeting, Foreign Ministers adopted a number of documents, including the statement on the 75th anniversary of liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, the decision on 2019 joint announcements’ list, as well as the decision on the program of the consultations concerning foreign policy, security and defense for the second half of 2019.

In the course of the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers the decision was made on presenting for consideration to the Collective Security Council the candidacy of the State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus for the post of the CSTO Secretary General, who will assume the office in January 1, 2020, if approved by the heads of all the member states of the Organization. At the same time, a decision was made to elaborate amendments to the CSTO Charter Regulation on the early termination of duties of the Secretary General and submit them ahead of the session of the Collective Security Council to be held this November.

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