Foreign Minister of Armenia receives Rory Montgomery, the Secretary General for European Affairs of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland

27 May, 2019

On May 27, Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan received Rory Montgomery, the Secretary General for European Affairs of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland and Michael Forbes, the Ambassador of Ireland to Armenia.

Welcoming the guests, Minister Mnatsakanyan emphasized Armenia's readiness to take practical steps towards deepening and enriching the Armenian-Irish bilateral agenda on the basis of existing great potential. As an important direction for collaboration the interlocutors emphasized the initiation of projects aimed at sharing an expertise in the spheres of high technologies, innovation, and creative education.

The sides exchanged views on various issues of bilateral and multilateral agenda, commending the cooperation and reciprocal support between the two countries on the international fora.

Touching upon the Armenia-EU relations, Zohrab Mnatsakanyan particularly highlighted the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, especially in the context of the ongoing reforms in Armenia and the efforts aimed at advancing Government's development agenda.

On the same day, the Irish delegation visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial to pay the tribute to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide, as well as took a tour in the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and made a note in the Memory Book.


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