Trilateral meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Cyprus and Greece

25 September, 2019

On September 25, in New York on the sidelines of the UN GA 74th session, Foreign Minister of Armenia, Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Foreign Minister of Cyprus Nikos Christodoulides and Foreign Minister of Greece Nikos Dendias held a meeting. 

The Foreign Ministers noted that the meeting is yet another opportunity to discuss a wide range of issues on the agenda and outline further guidelines of Armenia-Cyprus-Greece trilateral cooperation. The parties reiterated their readiness to implement the common goals and initiatives of three peoples, linked with strong historical ties, through dialogue and cooperation. In this context, the Ministers outlined practical steps towards the exchange of practice in a number of areas of mutual interest and exploring new areas of cooperation. 

In this regard the parties underscored the importance of Armenia-Cyprus-Greece Summit, to be held in Yerevan next year and discussed its preparations.

The Foreign Ministers of the three countries discussed the topical issues on international and regional agenda. 

Reflecting on the Armenia-EU relations, Foreign Ministers of Cyprus and Greece reconfirmed their support to strengthen Armenia-EU relations in the frameworks of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement as well as the Eastern Partnership overall. In this context, Minister Mnatsakanyan highlighted the launch of dialogue on visa liberalization dialogue between Armenia and the EU, as a tool to promote people-to-people contacts.



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