The 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of India

31 August, 2022

Today marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of India.

The Armenian-Indian millennial friendly relations, based on mutual goodwill and respect, have always been warm and strong. Over the past 30 years, comprehensive close cooperation and high-level political dialogue have been established  between Armenia and India.

Our countries have a common vision on many global and regional issues and cooperate closely both within bilateral format and multilateral platforms. We also share the universal values of democracy, human rights and justice.

The recent high-level mutual visits have given a new impetus to the relations between our states.

Armenia reaffirms its commitment to undertake active steps in the direction of maximal realization of the existing potential in relations with friendly India, for the benefit of our countries and peoples.

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