Meeting of Foreign Ministers of CSTO member states in New York

21 September, 2022

On September 21, the working meeting of the CSTO Foreign Ministers which is traditionally conducted within the framework of the UN General Assembly, was held under the coordination of Ararat Mirzoyan, the Foreign Minister Armenia, currently chairing the CSTO.

During the meeting, the Foreign Ministers of the CSTO member states exchanged views on the agenda of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly. The strengthening of cooperation of the CSTO member states within the UN framework was highlighted.

Ararat Mirzoyan briefed upon the situation resulting from the latest Azerbaijani aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia.

Concluding the meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia presented to the CSTO partners the photo exhibition dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia.

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