A Roadmap for the development of cooperation was signed between Armenia and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

23 September, 2022

On September 23, the signing ceremony of the road map of further development of relations between the Republic of Armenia and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) for 2022-2025 was held in Vienna.

The document was signed by Armen Papikyan, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia to international organizations located in Vienna from the Armenian side, and Miwa Kato, the UNODC Director for Operations.

In his remarks, Ambassador Papikyan emphasized that the Roadmap provides an opportunity to put the existing cooperation between the two sides on an institutional basis and to strengthen Armenia's achievements in addressing the challenges falling within the scope of the mandate of the Office. He also mentioned that the road map will contribute to the development of Armenia's capacity in the field of fighting crime highlighting n this regard he the cooperation established with the UNODC Secretariat.

Miwa Kato, for her part, emphasized that the signing of the road map is an important milestone within the development of bilateral cooperation, and underlined UNODC's willingness to further deepen and develop cooperation with Armenia.

Reference. The road map of cooperation for 2022-2025 reflects the priorities of the government of Armenia in the field of fighting crime, and is also in line with the UNODC 2021-2025 strategy. It is aimed at strengthening Armenia's national capacities in effectively fighting against organized crime, drugs, corruption and economic crimes, as well as terrorism.

A joint implementation review process will be established to regularly review, monitor, and report on the implementation of the Roadmap.

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