Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Portugal

14 July, 2023

On July 14, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan, who is in Portugal on an official visit, met with João Gomes Cravinho, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal.

The interlocutors commended the activation of bilateral political dialogue in recent years and emphasized the importance of high-level mutual visits to uphold positive dynamics. The intensity of direct contacts on multilateral platforms thus far was emphasized, as well as the significance of regular political consultations between the ministries of the two countries.

Ararat Mirzoyan and João Cravinho discussed the possibilities of expanding the Armenian-Portuguese agenda and deepening cooperation in areas of mutual interest. They touched upon prospects of activating the trade, economic and business ties as well as investment programs, expressing readiness to take the steps towards more effective use of the existing potential.

The areas of high technologies, education, tourism, and renewable energy were indicated as promising directions for cooperation. Views were exchanged on the implementation of both ongoing and new joint projects.

The interlocutors focused also on issues of multilateral agenda. The Armenia-EU partnership and cooperation within the framework of international organizations was discussed.   

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Portugal thoroughly touched upon international and regional issues. Ararat Mirzoyan briefed his Portuguese counterpart on the situation in the South Caucasus, the latest developments in the normalization process of Armenia-Azerbaijan relations, as well as the serious security and humanitarian challenges in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Minister Mirzoyan emphasized that Azerbaijan’s illegal blockade of the Lachin corridor, which has persisted for over 7 months, and, consequently, the deepening humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh did not contribute to efforts to establish sustainable peace. Minister Mirzoyan also stressed the imperative to implement the legally binding orders of the International Court of Justice of February 22 and July 6, lift the blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh and prevent ethnic cleansing by Azerbaijan. In this regard, he also highlighted the importance of clear actions by international actors.

Minister Mirzoyan also stressed the importance for Baku to renounce maximalist approaches, rhetoric and aggressive actions, as well as address the rights and security issues of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The day before, during the official dinner organized in honor of the visit of the Foreign Minister of Armenia, a wide range of issues of mutual interest was also discussed. The issues of the Armenia-EU partnership were discussed in detail, in particular, the EU's continued assistance in strengthening the agenda of democratic reforms and institutional capacities of Armenia, as well as the activities of the EU civilian monitoring mission in Armenia. The important role of the EU mission in strengthening stability on the international border of Armenia and Azerbaijan was emphasized.

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