Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Korea

10 November, 2023

On November 10, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan, who is in Paris on a working visit, met with Park Jin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea

The interlocutors discussed issues of Armenian-Korean cooperation agenda. Views were exchanged on the prospects of deepening bilateral political dialogue, mutually beneficial cooperation in trade, economy, science and education, innovations and high technologies.

In the context of the most effective realization of the existing potential in the mentioned directions, the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Korea reaffirmed their mutual intentions of establishment of diplomatic representations in both countries.

Issues of cooperation of the two countries on international platforms were also on the agenda of the meeting.

Touching upon the issues of regional security, Minister Mirzoyan briefed his Korean counterpart on the unfolded situation resulting from ethnic cleansing of Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijan and the measures implemented to address the problems faced by more than 100,000 forcibly displaced Armenians. In this context, effective interaction with international partners and bodies was also highlighted. The efforts aimed at the establishment of stability and peace in the region were touched upon.

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