Meeting of the Eastern Partnership Senior Officials

16 November, 2023

On November 15, Head of the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Samvel Mkrtchyan, participated in the EU Eastern Partnership Senior Officials online meeting. The representatives of the European Commission, European External Action Service, as well as the EU Member States and partner countries also took part in the meeting.

In his remarks, Samvel Mkrtchyan touched upon the latest geopolitical developments which have created serious challenges for the Eastern Partnership region and the viability of this format. He underscored that under the new realities, additional efforts are necessary for enriching the content of cooperation within the framework of this format, preserving the achievements and strengthening the resilience of the participating states.

The Armenian side touched upon the serious violations of the values and principles underlying the creation of the EaP format, emphasizing that the security of Europe cannot be comprehensive without respect for human rights and democratic values.

In this context, Samvel Mkrtchyan emphasised the fact of the forced displacement of Armenians and the policy of ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh pursued by Azerbaijan. 

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