Political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of Armenia and Slovenia

21 May, 2024

On May 21, political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Slovenia were held in Yerevan. The delegations were represented by the Head of the Department of Europe of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Samvel Mkrtchyan and Head of the Department for Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia Dejan Vladić.

The parties underlined the importance of further deepening political dialogue between Armenia and Slovenia. The possibilities and prospects of realising existing potential in the areas of mutual interest were discussed.

During the consultation the interlocutors touched upon the cooperation in the framework of international organisations, as well as the issues related to the dynamically developing Armenia-EU partnership agenda.

The interlocutors exchanged views on international and regional developments as well as their possible security impact. The head of the Department of Europe of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia briefed his counterpart on Armenia's position on the process of normalisation of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and elaborated on the "Crossroad of Peace" project developed by the Government of the Republic of Armenia.

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