Statement by Mr.Vartan Oskanian Minister of Foreign Affairsof the Republic of Armenia Black Sea Economic Cooperation Council Ministerial Meeting

30 April, 1999
Distinguished Mr. Chairman,
Dear Colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the Government of Georgia, and personally to the Chairman-In-Office, H.E. Mr. Irakli Menagarishvili, for the warm hospitality extended to the Armenian delegation and for the excellent organization of the Thirteenth Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Participating States. I would also like to congratulate the Georgian Chairmanship, for the successful conclusion of its term.

Today is a historic day in the life of BSEC as the Chair presented the organization's instruments of ratification to the Secretariat. When BSEC started no one thought at that time that this organization will survive, given the diversity and nature of the economic conditions of the countries involved, as well as the existence of major political problems among certain member states. Yet, after six years, we should be proud to have managed to stay together. This shows us that common economic interests could truly become a cementing factor and create a favorable environment for addressing political problems.

Today is also an important day because we are adopting a cooperation memorandum between the European Union and BSEC. We believe that BSEC should become a pillar in the new European architecture and hope that the EU will consider it as such. We hope to see the EU devise a clear BSEC oriented policy that includes, the strengthening of BSEC, the institutionalization of EU- BSEC relations, the promotion of economic development and intra-regional cooperation among BSEC states, as well as between BSEC and the EU and finally, the strengthening of democracy and political stability in the BSEC region.

We welcome the guest status of France and Germany in BSEC. Their presence, along with Greece who assumes the chairmanship of the organization today, should contribute to a deeper EU-BSEC cooperation. The EU sponsored TRACECA initiative is one ready project that can promote such cooperation. TRACECA will not only provide communication links between Europe and BSEC, but could also serve as a common goal to build our future cooperation.

During the six months which have elapsed since our previous meeting in Sofia, there have been significant and positive developments, expanding the regional scope of the organization, such as the ratification of the BSEC Charter by the National Parliaments of most participating member states, as well as the finalization of the Additional Protocol on Privileges and Immunities, concluded during the Senior Officials' Meeting, recently held in Istanbul. These are the kinds of foundational steps that are essential to enhance the organization's operational structure.

We welcome the increasing interest of a number of states to gain full member or observer status in the organization. Once the organizational Charter is in effect, I believe we will be in a better position to develop an effective and unified approach to the possible expansion of BSEC.

We are also happy to see that the organizational implementation mechanisms have been accelerated, such as the appointment of country coordinators for specific spheres of activities. In this regard, we are committed to provide effective coordination in the energy sector, as indicated in the corresponding Plan of Action outlined by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Armenia. We have also noted the applicability of certain preconditions to start the operations of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank soon.

Armenia is happy to see that the International Center for Black Sea Studies has come to the foreground as an addition to the growing bodies and institutions related to BSEC. The Center has launched its operations in Athens and has begun to consider certain multilateral cooperative projects. Armenian scientists and scholars are interested in cooperating with the Center and they are ready to contribute to its successful operation in practical ways.

Today, our priorities are clearly defined. We need to promote trade among our countries since trade is a strategic moving force to further regional cooperation. The finalization of the plan of action for the establishment of the BSEC Free Trade Area, during the interim meeting of the working group on trade and economic development held in Istanbul was a major step.

The establishment of open borders between the BSEC member states is another priority that must be vigorously pursued and implemented to bring greater reality to the development of free trade in the region. The initiative taken by BSEC and the European Commission to organize a seminar on "Border Crossing Formalities and Trade Facilitation in the Black Sea Region" provided a practical approach towards more open borders.

I would also like to underline the importance of the energy sector, which Armenia considers as one of its key priorities, as well as the need to focus on regional energy projects. The first meeting of the Steering Committee for the BSEC Project on the Interconnection of the Electric Power Systems of the BSEC countries, held in conformity with the decisions taken during the meeting of Energy Ministers in Yerevan, was an important event for us.

We should also promote the growth and development of small and medium enterprises as they play a decisive role in the transition to a market economy. The seminar on "The Role of Local and Regional Governments in Enterprise Creation" that was recently convened in Yerevan was important in this regard. It is essential to continue to focus on cooperation in this field.

If we look at the first six years of the Organization's life as the first stage of its establishment, we will note that much has been achieved. The Round Table "BSEC on the Turn of the 21st Century" presented a major event in defining the organizational framework that could promote regional cooperation and the BSEC's institutional role in global economic processes.

BSEC has become a promising and important institution in the social and economic growth of our countries, in the reinforcement of mutual confidence, in promoting good-neighborly relations in our region, and in facilitating our integration with European structures. By strengthening our regional economic ties in a cooperative structure such as BSEC, we may be able to face the 21st century on the basis of stability, security and shared fundamental values.

I would like to wish success to Greece, who will assume the Chairmanship of BSEC during the next six months, and express our confidence in the Greek leadership to advance the cooperative foundation of this organization that has been laid in the past six years.

Thank you.

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