Statement of President Robert Kocharyan At the Opening Session of the newly elected Armenian National Assembly
10 June, 1999Dear Members of Parliament,
I would like to congratulate you for receiving the people's vote of confidence. I would like to especially congratulate the members of the Miasnutiun Alliance that gained a decisive victory.
The new National Assembly has been formed as a professional institution, which, surely, carries greater responsibility for the future of the country.
It is obvious that without the establishment of democracy there will be no continued progress. The country's main criteria for democracy is the state of the parliament and its role in the public and political processes. There is much work that needs to be done in order to revive the people's confidence in the Parliament and improve its credibility in the international community. Today inter-parliamentary relations constitute an important part of international relations. The attitude of the international community towards Armenia depends on you. The Parliament in essence represents the collective political character of the country.
We are entering a new stage of the development of the statehood. The radical changes in the domains of public construction, judicial system, market economy, freedoms have become irreversible, and, with cooperation between the executive and legislative branches, we must bring all these to their natural development. The further promotion of democracy and continuation of the reforms have no alternatives. In this direction, the efficient work of the Parliament and its constructive attitude can greatly stimulate the positive processes. As a result, Armenia may come out in the world as a front runner in the region as far as permanent democratic values and stability are concerned. Everything depends on our level of responsibility and us. The accord in society, political dialogue and constructive cooperation are to become the credo of our people in the upcoming four years.
I assume that the settlement of the problems we are facing is possible provided the legislative and executive authorities cooperate closely. The economic growth of the country and improvement of the social conditions of the people highly depend on the efficiency of this cooperation.
Dear Members of Parliament,
Once again in expressing my congratulations to you, I wish the Armenian National Assembly success in carrying out its legislative activities and in carrying out its hard and honorable work for the sake and welfare of our country and people.
Thank you very much.