21 October, 1999

Dear Compatriots,

Holy Fathers,

Dear guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I congratulate you on the occasion of Independence Day. The referendum of September 21, 1991, was one of the brightest pages of our modern history. Through it the Armenian nation expressed its century-old will to live free and independent and took up self-rule putting itself in charge of its destiny.

The 8th anniversary of independence is marked with strengthening of democratic institutions. The best proof of this was the elections of the National Assembly because of which we usher into the 9th year of independence with internal political stability.

Economic reforms continued with special emphasis on the efficient utilization of resources.

The rehabilitation of the earthquake zone has become more intense. Rural problems are being solved faster.

Our military has become better organized and more powerful.

Culture and athletics has noticeably been revived.

Efforts directed at cooperation between the institutions of the Republic of Armenia and Europe have become significantly more active. The beginning for active regional dialogue was established.

A new phase of negotiations begun with Azerbaijan at the highest, which without doubt, brings the final settlement of the Karabagh conflict closer.

A new quality has been given to the Armenia-Diaspora relations.

These 8 years of independence proved that the Armenian people, with the unity of Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora, could overcome all trials with pride and honor. These years also showed that this unity has huge moral, political, scientific and cultural potential at its disposal, which shall be directed to the first Armenia-Diaspora Congress.

Dear compatriots,

The difficult task of continuing the reforms awaits us. Without these reforms it will be impossible to join the family of developed countries. It is necessary to consolidate society, to demonstrate tolerance, to be persistent and work hard to overcome the hardships.

Once again I congratulate all on the occasion of Independence Day. To our people who are committed to freedom and democracy, I wish you faith and determination to realize its national goals and aspirations in the 3rd millennium.

Thank you.

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