07 September, 2000

Return to Mr. Kocharian's Speech

Dear Mr. Chairman,
Dear Colleagues,
Ladies and Gentlemen!

The twentieth century is coming to an end. The mankind will recall this century with its spiritual and intellectual progress, two sanguinary world wars, collapse of empires and emergence of tens of new sovereign states, tensions of cold war and collective efforts for the sake of peace and stability. How will the world be in approaching century?

Turning the confrontation of two systems into the page of history, and prevalent expansion of ideas of democracy and market economy should contribute to building such a world where the interests of all states are taken into account and genuine equal partnership is established. However, the analysis of development of international environment leads us to bitter conclusions that stereotypes of rivalry are still alive. We are living through a very uneasy period, when a single wrong step could blow up the situation and lead to tragic return to the past. We have a challenge of going through a difficult path to building just and secure world order, and we all need to strive to achieve that goal.

The main tendency at present stage of the world development is globalization. We all care about prospects of this complicated and ambiguous phenomenon. Globalization should contribute to ensure sustainable development, integrity and stability of systems to govern nations, to overcome discrimination in economic relations, and to improve welfare of peoples. Supremacy of principles and norms of international law, evolutionary character of changes, partnership and support of more advanced nations to less developed states, mutual trust and recognition of national distinctions in light of commitment to values enjoyed by the whole humanity should become the determining vectors of this process. The strength of democratic development is in diversity.

Azerbaijan makes his contribution to positive development of globalization. Using its geographic location, resources and potential which has a geo-strategic importance for the whole world, my country has been effectively implementing the role of a bridge between the East and West which is stemming out from a rich historical past and aimed at future. We are making enormous efforts aimed at restoration of the Great Silk Road, creation of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia'transport corridor, development and export of hydrocarbon resources of the Caspian basin to the world markets. These projects have a crucial importance for free and full-fledged development of nations in several regions of the world. They will give an impetus to transnational cooperation and have a decisive impact on development of the global environment.

However, external threats and internal problems, pressures and involvement into the struggle for spheres of influence do not allow young and fragile democracies an opportunity to freely carry out the policy that would meet interests and expectations of their people, to strengthen and develop their statehood, and be involved in peaceful development. Since the first days of their existence they were enforced to fight a hard battle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

States, which have suffered from acts of aggression, seizure of territories and ethnic cleansing, aggressive separatism and terrorism, rightfully expect maximum effective actions from the United Nations to establish a just and secure world, and protect principles of the UN Charter.

Unfortunately, the South Caucasus have become a region where all these problems, threats and risks have found their clear reflection. The main destabilizing factor of the situation in the South Caucasus has become aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, which has brought incalculable tragedies to millions of people.

As a result of the aggression Armenian armed forces have occupied twenty per cent territories of Azerbaijan, carried out ethnic cleansing and ousted one million Azerbaijanis from their homes. The Security Council of the United Nations passed four resolutions with this respect, which unequivocally confirmed sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of frontiers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and unconditionally demanded immediate withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from occupied lands of Azerbaijan. But since 1993 till now decisions of the Security Council are left on papers.

Since 1992 the OSCE has been engaged in the settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. But its activities have not been successful. Bilateral discussions between Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia continue but they also have not brought any results yet. We have had ceasefire for the last six years but it is not a solution to problems. I call on the United Nations to take all necessary measures to implement the resolutions of the Security Council.

Without settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and other conflicts, without removal of factors of external pressure including the foreign military presence it is impossible to achieve peace and security in the region. If the South Caucasus acquires political integrity and neutral status it would allow establishing normal mutual relations among states of the South Caucasus and ensuring their harmonic integration to the world economic system.

I extend my gratitude to organizations within the framework of the United Nations and to donor countries for their assistance to Azerbaijani refugees and displaced persons who have already been living under poor circumstances for over eight years. We feel an acute need in continuation and increase of critically important humanitarian assistance up until they return to their homes.

The United Nations has a great responsibility for peace in the world. We pin our hopes on the United Nations. Serious and rational reforms should increase effectiveness of the Organization, in particular of the Security Council of the UN.

Finally, I would like to underline our collective responsibility for peace and security on our planet and express my assurance that the results of the Millennium Summit will become a reliable basis for our journey to the XXI century.

Speech of HE Mr. Ahmet Necdet Sezer President of the Republic of Turkey at the UN Millennium Summit
Speech of HE Mr. Eduard Shevardnadze President of  Georgia at the UN Millennium Summit
Speech of HE Mr. Seyyed Mohammadn Katami President of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the UN Millennium Summit

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