On the Tragic Attacks on the United States of America.

12 September, 2001

It is with deep shock and grief that we express our condolences to the people and the government of the United States of America. Yesterday, President Kocharian relayed his and the Armenian people s sympathies to President Bush.

The United States and the American people have been good friends of Armenia and Armenians and we are grieved that a tragedy of such horrendous proportions has befallen them.

Of course, the implications of the tragedy do not stop with the United States. They impact the entire world community. We consider this an attack not only against the US but against all peace-loving, democratic peoples everywhere. We are all shaken by the arrogance and brazenness which has led to so much destruction. Nothing Հ nothing Հ justifies such wanton disregard for human life.

We strongly condemn this act of terror. However, we are convinced that the scope and scale of this horrific act can serve to create solidarity among civilized nations against all violent expression of political and social aspirations. Acts of terror, for any purpose, of any kind, sacrifice the cause they purport to support.

We are convinced that New York, the city which welcomed the huddled masses, shall soon find itself breathing free from fear. We are also sure the United States of America and its capital will recover, overcome and continue to be at the forefront of global leadership.
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