STATEMENT BY Mr. VARTAN OSKANIAN MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA at the 7th Meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs Blac

25 October, 2002

At the annual Black Sea Economic Cooperation meeting, held this year in Tirana, Albania, Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian addressed the council of ministers of the 10 member countries.

The Black Sea Economic Cooperation was founded in xx to encourage and facilitate economic cooperation among the countries in the Black Sea region. The BSEC Secretariat is based in Istanbul Turkey, and the chairmanship revolves among the member states for six-month periods. 

Armenia had been chairman five years ago, and is chair again, now. At the October 25 meeting, Minister Oskanian outlined Armenia's goals for the next six months. He stressed that information technology and scientific activity will be a priority during this period.

The text of his speech appears below.

Mr. Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

As Armenia prepares to take on the chairmanship of this organization, I must thank the Government of Albania and the Chairman-in-Office, H.E. Mr. Ilir Meta, and his predecessor for their good work and also for this very warm hospitality. I would like also to extend our thanks and appreciation to the Secretary General of BSEC, Ambassador Valery Chechelashvily, for the leadership that he provides in running the day-to-day business of our organization. And we very much look forward to continue to work with him in his continuing efforts to build the efficiency and effectiveness of our organization. 

Mr. Chairman, 

We have just put out a statement condemning the terrorist acts in Moscow, but let me also take this opportunity to personally, on behalf of my Government, express our sympathies and our solidarity to the Government of the Russian Federation and wish a very speedy and peaceful resolution of this matter, and the release of the hostages from that situation. 

Mr. Chairman, 

It seems we've been celebrating our 10-year anniversary all year long. The Istanbul Decennial Anniversary Summit was an important marker for an organization that started out as a sub-regional network. Today BSEC is perceived as a viable mechanism for achieving sustainable economic development around the Black Sea. By a mandate of the organizationõs heads of state, the BSEC is now also charged with exploring ways of strengthening security and stability in our region. The September 11 terrorist attacks on the US exposed our common vulnerability and opened the gates for joint responses both to the perpetrators, and also to the causes of the incomprehensible violence. What they also made clear is that one action can have many varied consequences. In our region, the commitment to facilitate the battle against terrorism has meant that neighbors must act cooperatively. At the same time, this is a reason to work together to bolster regional cooperation for its own sake. States which lacked the benefit of shared experiences and shared history now have a shared purpose, and therefore a new opportunity to make politics work for us, rather than against us, to design and implement policies of cooperation rather than confrontation.

During these next six months of our chairmanship, Armenia plans to put into operation exactly these kinds of specific policies, particularly in the information technology sector. The economic and social dividends for societies such as ours are well known. For the countries in the Black Sea region, computers and the internet are the cheap and easy fuel necessary to jumpstart economies and fast forward social, educational and civic engagement. That much is obvious. It should be equally obvious that in the Black Sea community, where political differences all too often displace common interests, information technology can be the elixir that will strengthen the hand of those in business, society and government who are interested in transcending borders and problems to achieve personal and common goals. BSEC has been instituting the mechanisms to make such deep cooperation possible. The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank is one example of a working tool which can be used to run the engine of information technology.

Mr. Chairman,

Over the last few years, Armenia has worked with and through the European Union to spearhead information technology initiatives in the Caucasus. We have succeeded in convening two well-attended, productive conferences, as well as establishing an IT training center, starting a specific Caucasus Information Technology Initiative web site, and developing regional working groups. All this with the support and assistance of the European Union. 

As the European Union embarks on the road to enlargement within the upcoming months, the EU and BSEC will become more than just neighbors. With enlargement will come even greater common problems in need of common solutions. We look forward to utilizing this geographic and political rapprochement to engage the solid scientific and technological potential of the Black Sea community. Armenia hosted the first meeting of the BSEC Working Group on Science and Technologies in Yerevan in 1994. To give a new impetus to cooperation in this area, Armenia intends to convene the First BSEC Ministerial Conference on Science and Technology at the end of March 2003. Among other issues, the Conference may address effective application of international scientific and technical achievements and utilization of the scientific potential of BSEC member states to ensure their sustained economic development and future prosperity. We will rely upon the International Center on Black Sea Studies, another successful mechanism, for the implementation of this conference.

Mr. Chairman,

It is fortunate that during these next months, the Hellenic Republic, our only EU member, will assume the presidency of the EU. Given the considerable frequency with which discussions at different BSEC fora have been dedicated to the development of the BSEC-EU relationship, this is a perfect historic moment to consider the creation of some institutional links between BSEC and EU. We confirm our readiness to cooperate closely with the Hellenic Republic, in elaborating further ways to increase the BSEC-EU partnership.

Armenia attaches no lesser importance to partnership with the United Nations system, particularly with the FAO, ECE and UNEP, as well as other regional cooperation structures in Europe. The adoption of the resolution on UN-BSEC cooperation at the 57th session of the United Nations General Assembly will further enhance BSECõs international role. In this context we welcome the convening of two coordination meetings of the regional initiatives during this year and support the continuation of this useful practice in future.

Mr. Chairman, each of these steps, especially if undertaken together, will strengthen our organization, enhance the economic development and prosperity of each of our countries and peoples and empower our region. The ancient cultures of the Black Sea area were responsible for trade and civilizational development across three continents, centuries before globalization described that movement. We look forward to being integral and active participants in the trade and development of the third millennium.

Thank you
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