Statement ByH.E. Vartan OskanianMinister Of Foreign AffairsAt The 114th Session Of TheCouncil Of Europe Committee Of Ministers

12 May, 2004
Secretary General,
Dear Colleagues,

Each year, the focus of this organization and its member states remains the same: to enhance democratization and rule of law so that governments can nurture healthy societies and healthy economies.

Together with the OSCE and the European Union, the Council has worked hard to institute programs which protect human rights, promote environmental and economic progress, and advance democratization agendas. Armenia supports deeper cooperation among these three European institutions, and advocates the creation of mechanisms to increase effectiveness and minimize duplication especially in light of the new definitions and relationships that are appearing with an enlarged and widening Europe.

Unfortunately, some of what has emerged presents a quandary for mankind. We thought human slavery was behind us. But Europe of the 21st century has been stained by the scourge of human trafficking. With the dangers of terrorism, too, and its threat to break up the international order as we’ve known it, we recognize even more that the only real defense against these mass challenges to the principles and precepts that guide us is the deepening of the rules of democracy and civil society, so that each individual gains from that system and thus becomes more willing to defend and propagate that system. We welcome, therefore, the reform of the European Court on Human Rights. We will sign the protocol 14 tomorrow as one step forward for the protection of human rights in Armenia and in Europe.

In order to provide the necessary attention and focus these issues require, we would hope for a third Council of Europe Summit, where at the core of the agenda would be the new menaces and new challenges which occupy our attention and demand our resources. An enlarged European Union, an enlarging NATO, evolving transatlantic interactions, this is the context against which our heads of state should meet and carve out a new vision for a Council of Europe that was born in one era, and now must lead in another.

Our search for deeper relations with Europe has, for us in the Caucasus, become both cause and effect. This process is a continuum that began when we targeted Council of Europe membership as a goal. We benefited from that process, as we continue to benefit from membership itself which jumpstarted and quickened legislative, judicial and other reforms. Today, we are looking forward to becoming part of Europe’s New Neighborhood and creating our own cooperative and integrated neighborhood.

It is the same with democratization. The decision to transition to a democratic, rule of law system of governance was a significant step. The process of accomplishing that goal is an ongoing one, for all countries.

Mr. Chairman, I recall my first statement here, immediately after Armenia’s membership. I said then that we have become members not so that we would bring our problems to this Council, but to use the Council to address our problems. This is the first time that my Azerbaijani colleague and I are both using this forum to meet in the sidelines and seek common ground, from which I hope we can defend the rights of the people of Nagorno Karabakh to self-determination, while resolving the other consequences of the conflict which continue to cause pain and suffering to both Armenians and Azerbaijanis.

Exactly 10 years ago today, the leaders of Nagorno Karabakh, Armenia and Azerbaijan demonstrated the necessary political will to put a stop to years of fighting, and to institute what is today the longest, and the only, self-monitored ceasefire in the world. Today, as we meet under the aegis of the Minsk Group co-Chairs, we have a chance to exhibit political will yet again, and in this second decade, take our peoples forward toward a lasting resolution.

I will use the opportunity today of meeting here with my new Azerbaijani colleague to call for a de-escalation of the rhetoric of war, and the war of rhetoric. Both sides stand to benefit from the suspension of charges and accusations. The Europe of which we are a part is a Europe without borders and barriers. This Europe presents us the opportunity to take advantage of the mechanisms and institutions that have been developed and have proven themselves in defending, promoting, implementing European ideals and European norms.

Mr. Chairman, we hope to return to this forum, proud of our accomplishments not just in establishing a vibrant democracy, but also in making possible prosperity and cooperation in our region.

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