Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian participates in the informal meeting of the OSCE Foreign Ministers

28 June, 2009

On June 28, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian participated in the informal meeting of the OSCE Foreign Ministers dedicated to the European security issues. Foreign Ministers of the 45 OSCE member states, high-ranking representatives from CSTO, CIS, EU, NATO and OSCE also attended the meeting initiated by the Foreign Minister of Greece.

At the meeting Edward Nalbandian delivered a speech in which he presented Armenia’s position on European Security. “Security arrangements of the past century have their deep roots in a reality, which is not the same today. Time has come to shape new and more effective Euro-Atlantic security architecture, possibly in the form of a European security treaty, where the overall security is indivisible, that the states must not build their security at the expanse of others. The state must not recognize the right of one state by denying the same right of the other, when the threat or use of force is excluded, where all countries join their efforts against common threats. Having all this, we could more effectively address challenges”, said Foreign Minister of Armenia.

Within the frameworks of the OSCE Ministerial Armenian Foreign Minister also participated in the meeting of the CSTO Foreign Ministers and had a number of bilateral meetings.

During the meeting with the Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Møller, Minister Nalbandian discussed ways of development of bilateral political and economic relations. Ministers exchanged views on security in the South Caucasus. Accepting the invitation of Edward Nalbandian to visit Armenia Per Stig Møller said that he will visit Yerevan this fall.

Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Switzerland Edward Nalbandian and Micheline Calmy-Rey touched upon the further deepening of bilateral relationship. Foreign Minister of Switzerland informed about the decision to open a diplomatic representation in Yerevan.

In Corfu Edward Nalbandian had a meeting with the US Deputy State Secretary James Steinberg, Assistant State Secretary Philip Gordon also attended the meeting. In the course of the talks issues concerning different fields of the Armenian-American friendly relationship, as well as the possibilities of the development and expansion of cooperation were discussed. During the meeting they touched upon some international and regional issues.

Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian also met with Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy. They had detailed discussions on Armenia-European Union cooperation. On Commissioner’s request Armenian Foreign Minister presented the recent developments in the negotiation process of the settlement of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) issue.

During the meeting with Foreign Minister of Canada Lawrence Cannon, Edward Nalbandian discussed the possibilities for expansion of bilateral relations and legal field. Ministers Nalbandian and Lawrence Cannon touched upon the possibilities of cooperation between the two countries within international organizations.

Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian and Foreign Minister of Ireland Micheál Martin touched upon the intensification and strengthening of bilateral relations. The two discussed the joint steps aimed at the development of political dialogue, economic cooperation and the cultural ties.

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