Remarks by Mr. Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Eastern Partnership Informal Ministerial Meeting

12 February, 2013

Dear Maia,

Dear Stefan,

Dear Helga,

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to thank our Georgian colleague- Maia Panjikidze-for warm hospitality and excellent organization of this informal Ministerial meeting.

During the past years, we have seen the Eastern Partnership gradually evolving into a substantial framework, offering perspectives that go beyond the European Neighbourhood Policy. The Eastern Partnership Roadmap adopted in July 2012 has served a useful guideline for developing and materializing our common agenda with the European Union.

Armenia has registered a good progress in implementation of the Eastern Partnership Roadmap in all main areas of cooperation, notably, the negotiations on the Association Agreement, a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, the Mobility of people and sectoral cooperation. On the Association Agreement, we have entered into the final stages of negotiations and we look forward to conclude the process before Vilnius Summit.

Facilitating mobility between our people has been an important aspect of our cooperation within the Eastern Partnership, as reflected in the Roadmap. We have successfully negotiated and signed the Visa Facilitation Agreement and we look forward to launching a dialogue on visa liberalization.

To further promote contacts and exchanges between our citizens, the Government of Armenia adopted a decision whereby all EU citizens, as well as the citizens of states applying the Schengen Acquis, are now exempt from a visa requirement when travelling to Armenia.

The Mobility Partnership between Armenia and the European Union is aimed at strengthening our relations by focusing on better management of legal and labour migration, promoting exchange programs and joint initiatives in the area of vocational and higher education, supporting effective return and reintegration policy. We have taken several practical steps for the implementation of the provisions of the Joint declaration.

Determined to enhance sectoral cooperation, we have signed the protocol to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, which will allow Armenia to participate in a broad range of EU Programs and to cooperate with EU Agencies. Many of the objectives envisaged in the bilateral dimension Roadmap have been successfully accomplished, and those that are of continued nature are well on track. The Government of Armenia has embarked on a wide range of reforms to further consolidate the democratic institutions, strengthen the rule of law, protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, improve electoral procedures and relevant legislation, strengthen independent judicial system and expand the role of civil society. We appreciate that our efforts are duly recognized by additional EU financial allocation in line with the principle of “more for more”.

2013 is an important year in the electoral calendar in our region. Armenia is determined to uphold and capitalize on the good record we have achieved in conducting the parliamentary elections in May 2012. A working group was established to follow up the recommendations submitted by the OSCE/ODIHR and other observation missions in the aftermath of the parliamentary elections. The Group has produced a comprehensive action plan for the implementation of those recommendations. The leadership of Armenia is committed to conducting the upcoming presidential elections in line with the highest international standards.

The wide range of reforms conducted aimed at improving business environment in Armenia have yielded positive results, which have been acknowledged by appropriate international organizations. Assessing the business climate across 185 countries, the latest Doing Business Report marks Armenia’s substantial improvement, advancing from 50 to 32 position in the rank.

The eleventh annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index released by Reporters without Borders marks a substantial increase in Armenia’s press freedom index for 2012. Conducted in 179 countries, the study considers such criteria as media pluralism, independence, environment and self-censorship, legislative framework, transparency of the institutions and procedures that affect the production of news and information. According to the report, the rise in ranking places Armenia in a leading position in our region.

The continuous improvement of democratic institutions, the human rights and the rule of law remains high priority for Armenia, which is reflected in the Roadmap. In the field of human rights, a regular Human Rights dialogue has been in place with the European Union since 2009. This has proved to be an important format, where the matters of mutual interest, including cooperation related to the protection and promotion of human rights are being discussed.

We attach importance to consultations with the civil society. The National Platform of the Civil Society Forum provides opportunity for its further engagement in the process of democratic reforms.

Armenia actively participates in the activities of Eastern Partnership multilateral platforms and panels. We have suggested hosting several events under the multilateral dimension in Armenia, particularly related to Migration and mobility issues and a meeting on Justice related “Free legal aid to all citizens”. A seminar under the platform of “People to people contacts” aimed at enhancing participation of Eastern Partner countries in educational and scientific exchanges (Framework Program 7 and Horizon 2020 on research and innovation) is planned to be held in Yerevan later this year.

The implementation of the provisions of the Association Agreement, DCFTA and Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements presents certain challenges to the Eastern Partners, in particular, there is a need to strengthen the institutional, technical and human capacities of those beneficiary institutions that are, or will be, involved in the implementation processes. In this regard, we value the EU assistance, including through the Comprehensive Institution Building Program.

The Warsaw Summit Declaration reaffirmed that the Eastern Partnership should further promote stability and multilateral confidence-building and emphasized the need for peaceful settlement of conflicts on the basis of the principles and norms of international law. The provision of peaceful resolution of conflicts is also envisaged in the EaP Roadmap. Armenia is committed to continuing negotiations on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmen, which remains the only format internationally mandated to mediate. We welcome EU’s firm and full support to the efforts of the co-chairmen of the Minsk Group, as well as to confidence-building measures.

As we steadily move closer to the 2013 Eastern Partnership Summit, we note that the achievements in our cooperation within the Eastern Partnership are becoming more and more visible.

We have already started consultations on a new document - the Association Agenda, which will replace the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan. It will take our cooperation into a new framework reflecting upon and taking stock of the achievements registered so far, while outlining more effective and target-oriented agenda. The new document should reflect the ambitious agenda of our cooperation, streamline the priority areas, and facilitate the successful implementation of the Association Agreement.

The effective implementation of the provisions of the Association Agreements, including the DCFTA, requires renewed efforts from the partner countries. At the same time we recognize that the commitments to be implemented beyond the Summit will require increased level of assistance in line with the “more for more” approach.

In conclusion, I would like to re-confirm the proposal to host the third meeting of informal ministerial dialogue in September in Yerevan, which will provide us with a good opportunity to address issues of common interest and consolidate our common agenda ahead of the Vilnius Summit.

Thank you.

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