Remarks by Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian at CORLEAP Bureau Meeting

18 September, 2015

Remarks by Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian at CORLEAP Bureau Meeting and Conference on Local Democracy in the Eastern Partnership Countries: Main Issues and Ongoing Activities

Dear President Markkula,
Dear Bureau members,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a pleasure to welcome in Yerevan the participants of the Bureau Meeting and the Conference on Local Democracy in the Eastern Partnership Countries. Such meetings provide a good opportunity to share practices and experiences in this important area for the citizens and societies of our countries. Strong local and regional authorities form one of the pillars of an effective and well-governed democratic state.

Dear participants,

This bureau meeting is the first one that takes place after the fourth Eastern Partnership Summit which was held in Riga this May. The Summit participants welcomed, in particular, further steps taken by the Conference of the regional and local authorities of the Eastern Partnership – (CORLEAP) for promoting cooperation at the regional and municipal levels. They invited the European Commission to ensure appropriate, targeted support to local and regional authorities. The recommendations adopted by the CORLEAP in Riga reaffirm the significant role of local democracy and citizens' participation in pursuing the goals and objectives of the Eastern Partnership.

Government of Armenia attaches great importance to further developing cooperation and dialogue between the local and regional authorities of the European Union and the Eastern Partnership countries, through sharing best practices and reform strategies. We consider the European Framework Convention on Cross-border Cooperation as an important instrument in this regard.

We view the cooperation at the local and regional levels, the cross-border co-operation, in particular, as an indispensable way for bridging communities and societies of neighboring countries and promoting regional stability and sustainable development. Learning from the European experience, we have viewed the cooperation between the local authorities in our region as a significant confidence building tool. However, neighboring Azerbaijan in violation of the relevant comittments and cotradicting the spirit of regional cooperation has always rejected any kind of cooperation, including cross border and people-to-people contacts. On the other side of the state border, the continuing blockade of Armenia imposed by Turkey keeps hampering the regional cooperation for decades.

However, we have also positive experiences to share. Since 2009 the regions of Armenia and Georgia have been actively cooperating within the ‘EuroCaucasus’ Euroregion project. The latter is aimed at fostering the regional development and cross-border cooperation and enables the local authorities to address together general regional economic and social challenges to the benefit of the local population.

We also value cooperation with the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in enhancing and strengthening local democracy in Armenia. In 2014 the Congress issued its report on local democracy in Armenia. The Government of Armenia has engaged in post monitoring process with the Congress with the aim of implementing its recommendations in close cooperation with the Council of Europe. This is another vivid manifestation of Armenia's deep interest in this sphere.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Effectively functioning local and regional authorities constitute the backbone of the state, supporting the entire system of governance, contributing to the economic growth as well as to almost all aspects of the functioning of the state.

I would like to express my hope that this forum’s deliberations will contribute to the ways of strengthening and enhancing local and regional cooperation.
Dear participants, I wish you very productive discussions in Yerevan.

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