Speech by Minister Edward Nalbandian at the event dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the EPP

25 May, 2016

Dear friends,

I am glad to participate in this important event dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the European People's Party (EPP).

I think that back in 1976, the co-founder of the party and its first President Leo Tindemans could hardly imagine that the party created by him and his adherents would become the largest European political family, for decades being one of the driving forces of progress in the continent, one of the advocates for reforms, an important stakeholder in the elites in a number of European states.

Past decades were abundant in achievements, and I think, the major one is today’s unified, peaceful and prosperous Europe. Despite number of challenges, problems, Europe keeps being democratic, a beacon of the protection of human rights.

The Republican Party of Armenia, along with Heritage and Armenian Renaissance parties are part of EPP political family. This is understood on the one hand through the history and culture of our country, which, beyond any doubt, is an integral part of Europe, and on the other hand, Armenia’s expectations to develop and deepen comprehensive cooperation in all possible areas with the European institutions and bearers of European values, properly taking into account our commitments in other formats.

In this regard, I am glad to mention that in relations with the European Union we reached another responsible and important milestone. An official launch of the negotiations over a new legal framework of relations between Armenia and the European Union was marked in December last year. This will reflect the depth and essence of our relations, outline new guidelines of mutually beneficial cooperation, enable the creation of a new and strong legal basis of our relations.

Reflecting on our relations with the European Union, one should mention the important support, expressed for reforms in Armenia, strengthening of democracy and the rule of law, socioeconomic progress, and intellectual development. While building our relations with the European Union, we permanently felt the support of the European People's Party. We are confident that the EPP would be by our side in drafting the agreement on a new comprehensive cooperation.

We also commend EPP’s position on issues concerning Armenia in parliamentary formats. In this regard, I would highlight the adoption of Resolution, dedicated to Centennial of the Armenian Genocide by the EPP Political Assembly. It is worth mentioning, that the Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy adopted by the European Parliament in 2013, which calls upon all the EU member states to condemn the Armenian genocide and facilitate the recognition of that crime.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Back in 1950, Robert Schuman, the founding father of Europe while promoting the idea of unified Europe said that his main purpose is to make war “not only unthinkable, but materially impossible”. Eventually, through thorny road Europe managed to translate that idea into life. I am confident that everyone here shares our desire to make this very idea a vision for our entire region, and that in the South Caucasus everyone would acknowledge, that in the civilized world problems are nor resolved by means of war, and the policy of intolerance and xenophobia is a way which merely leads to a deadlock.

Dear friends,

I would like to congratulate the large family of the EPP and wish every success and new achievements on the road of further prosperity of Europe.

Thank you.

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