Exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and the United States is inaugurated at the MFA

28 March, 2017

On March 28, Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, and Richard M. Mills, the US Ambassador in Yerevan, opened at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the photo-exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the United States of America, organized by the MFA of Armenia and the US Embassy.

The leadership of the MFA of Armenia, high level representatives of other ministries of Armenia, US Embassy staff attended the opening ceremony.

The photographs presented at the exhibition reflect the history of quarter of a century relationship between Armenia and the United States.

Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, as well as Richard M. Mills, the US Ambassador to Armenia, delivered opening remarks at the event.

In his remarks Minister Nalbandian, in particular, mentioned:

“Honorable Ambassador Richard M. Mills,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today we have gathered at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to present to you together with the Embassy of the United States an exclusive collection of photographs, which is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the United States of America and reveals the path our two friendly countries passed together during a whole quarter of a century.

The series of photographs exhibited here start with a number of historic documentaries featuring the first steps of the establishment of interstate ties. Among those are the establishment of the Embassy of the United States in Yerevan, which heralded the arrival of the first diplomatic mission to Armenia after around 70 years of interval. The opening of the Embassy was immediately followed by the visit of James Baker, the US Secretary of State, which gave an important impetus to the development of relations between the two countries. Recently, in Houston, together with Mr Baker we again had a chance to recall that momentous visit.

While talking about the first years of our relations, I should certainly mention with gratitude the large scale humanitarian aid that the people and the Government of the United States were providing to Armenia, which was especially important during the years that followed the proclamation of independence. It was then that the United States Agency for International Development launched its activities in Armenia. Along with the overcoming of economic crisis, quality of aid provided to Armenia also gradually changed: from the humanitarian aid to development oriented various and comprehensive programmes.

Growing since the beginning of the 1990s relations between Armenia and the United States are full of numerous other significant events, such as the opening of the Embassy and the Consulate of Armenia in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles, respectively, the establishment of the American University in Armenia, signing of important interstate agreements, steps undertaken in trade and economic sphere, in particular, the establishment of the U.S.-Armenia Joint Economic Task Force (USATF) and Armenia-U.S. Council on Trade and Investment (TIFA), facilitation of visa regime, recognition of the Armenian Genocide and Artsakh’s right to self-determination by many US states, the US support to developing Armenia’s peacekeeping capabilities, cooperation within important initiatives in the field of nuclear security, nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, fight against terrorism, joint programmes implemented in the areas of science, education, culture and many others.

The support that the United States have constantly provided towards the enhancement of democratic institutions in Armenia, electoral processes, civil society is particularly important.

High level mutual visits gave a significant impetus to deepening of interstate relations between the two countries. The displayed photographs reflect a number of interesting episodes from meetings of leaders and high-level officials of the two countries.

I would like to specifically emphasize also the activity of the US Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, which continuously supported the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries and raised the issues of high importance for Armenia and the Armenian people in the legislative body of the United States.
Within the context of a quarter of a century history of the Armenian-American relations, I should also recall with gratitude the vital contribution of the representatives of the American-Armenian community.

We highly appreciate the important role that the United States as an OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair play in the settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. I am confident that through joint efforts with Co-Chair countries we will manage to establish a stable peace in the region.

I would also like to underline that the people and the Government of Armenia highly value the close friendly partnership established with the United States of America, and the photographs decorating this room reflect only a modest part of it. Indeed, it is impossible to present within the framework of one exhibition the whole extent of our diverse and multifaceted bilateral relations.

We have already entered a new phase of relations, where indeed new achievements and successes are awaiting us. The Government of Armenia will continue to do its utmost so that through joint efforts the friendship and close cooperation between our countries and nations reach new heights.”

In his remarks Ambassador Mills mentioned that as a first Armenian Desk Officer in the US State Department, he recollects the first steps aimed at the establishment of relations between the two countries, and further underlined:

“The US Embassy staff and I are honoured to join you today to celebrate the 25th anniversary of establishment of the US-Armenian diplomatic relations with the exhibition of these beautiful photographs, chosen from photos archives of the MFA and the US Embassy.

I think that the images displayed in this exhibition illustrate in quite a powerful way just how strong, deep and multifaceted our bilateral relations are. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Minister Nalbandian and the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for hosting this special event. Thank you for your cooperation and sincere friendship.” 

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