Congratulatory remarks of Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian during the reception on the occasion of Egypt’s National Day

18 July, 2017

On the occasion of the National day of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the 65th Anniversary of the Revolution, I would like to extend my warm greetings and best wishes to the Government and the friendly people of Egypt.

This year we jointly celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Egypt. The quarter of a century is just an instant in the centuries-long relations that link our two peoples. The famous three gates of Cairo built by Armenian architects in the 11th century are the strong evidence of these strong historical ties. For me, as a Foreign Minister, the role of the Egyptian diplomats of Armenian origin, including several Foreign Ministers, in the history of this important Arab state is of particular interest. Undoubtedly, the millennia long friendly ties of the two peoples create a solid basis for the modern interstate relations.

And probably that was one of the reasons that back in 1992 the first embassy of Armenia in the Middle East was established in Egypt. It is a great honour for me that I was the first Ambassador of the newly independent Armenia in Egypt, and I was lucky to be directly involved in the initialization and strengthening of our interstate relations. I have warm memories from almost 14 years of my service in that hospitable country, as well as deep respect towards the historic and cultural heritage of Egypt and of course I have many friends.

Egypt was also one of the first countries to establish an embassy in Armenia following the country’s independence and today I would like to say words of appreciation to the current and former heads and staff of the Embassy of Egypt for their contribution to the enhancement of the Armenian-Egyptian relations.

Ladies and gentleman,

During the quarter of a century of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Egypt significant progress has been registered almost in all the areas of bilateral cooperation.

I am confident that through joint efforts we will be able to raise the Armenian-Egyptian relations on a qualitatively new level.

Dear Ambassador,

We all know the glorious historic path of Egypt. We highly value the efforts that the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the Government undertake towards ensuring the advancement of Egypt, enhancing the security and fight against terrorism. We express our solidarity to the leadership and people of Egypt and to all those countries and nations who strive to counter terrorism.

Once again, I would like to congratulate the friendly people of Egypt on the occasion of the National Day, wishing success, new achievements and prosperity.

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