Department of American Countries

Consisting of the USA and Canada and the Central and South America Divisions, the American Department of the Foreign Ministry of Armenia coordinates the foreign policy of the Republic of Armenia with the respective countries of the American continents.

To date Armenia established diplomatic relations with 34 countries out of 35 of the continent. The Department researches political, economic, cultural developments, as well as defense and security issues in the countries of the entire region. The Department conducts analysis and initiates proposals, prepares and updates reports on the current status of the bilateral relations with the American countries. It also conducts political and economic forecasts when necessary.

The Department is directly involved in preparation of the visits for high-ranking officials, drafts and releases political reports and summarizes the results. The Department ensures dynamic development and strengthening of the ties with the respective countries in the region by engaging the Armenian diplomatic representations in the Americas and as well as through active working relations with the Embassies of the USA, Canada, the Argentine Republic, the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Eastern Republic of Uruguay in Armenia.

The Department also coordinates the cooperation between the Armenian governmental agencies and the National Assembly and governmental and non-governmental entities of the American countries.

  • USA and Canada Division
  • Central and Southern America Division

    Acting Head: Mikael Ter-Melikyan

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