Department of Bordering Countries

  • Head: Davit Janazyan

The Department of Bordering Countries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia is subdivided into the first, second and third divisions of bilateral relations and the division for delimitation issues.

The first and third ones are accordingly divisions of Georgia and Iran, and are responsible for the process of ensuring and developing bilateral relations between the Republic of Armenia and the upper-mentioned states.

The responsibility of the divisions is to determine political priorities, promote political dialogue, create appropriate conditions for the implementation and development of the legal framework and trade and economic relations, as well as cultural and educational programs.

For this the divisions participate in the organization and conduct of high-level visits, consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs, meetings of intergovernmental commissions, the development and provision of generalized information, the necessary information-analytical materials and proposals on issues of relations between the Republic of Armenia and these states.

They maintain regular working relations with the embassies of the Republic of Armenia in Tbilisi and Tehran, as well as with the embassies of Georgia and Iran in Yerevan.

The second - the division of Turkey and Azerbaijan is responsible for the study and regular  monitoring of events and their developments directly related to these countries and around them, as well as directly affecting the interests of the Republic of Armenia. It develops and provides generalized and operational information and the necessary information and analytical materials.

The Division for Delimitation Issues is responsible for coordinating the work on the development, discussion, presentation and raising of issues related to the delimitation of the state border of the Republic of Armenia with border states.

  • First Division for Bilateral Relations

    Head: Arman Suflyan

  • Second Division for Bilateral Relations
  • Third Division for Bilateral Relations

    Head: Artur Hakobyan

  • Division for Delimitation Issues

    Head: Anna Avetisyan

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